Chapter Ten


I don’t like writing about this guy.  But, because the Kindred Spirit Connection works on every level, including the lowest, this book would not be complete without dragging in the persona known as Satan. 

Much of the world believe he is a mere fantasy; a product of the mind.  Though many don’t believe in him, I do.  I also believe he’s given a lot of credit for things he doesn’t deserve, but he is behind most of what’s wrong with our world. Remember this about him¾he doesn’t wield the power God does.  His is not God’s opposite.  He’s just a self-centered, egotistical being who has deceived many in the past and is continuing to do so even today.  And if my guess is correct, he is the one behind the two percent of those who control the world’s wealth.

Another thing to remember about Satan is that he’s not “out to getcha.”  He and God don’t sit around swapping stories and making bets about who they can keep and who they can snare. (See the Book of Job in the Old Testament.)

Before you say you don’t believe there is a Satan, remember this: there is far more to life than we really understand.  Satan is a real personality and the personification of evil.  Just because we can’t see, touch or feel something, doesn’t mean it is doesn’t exist.  We don’t see atoms, but we know they are real.  We don’t see the wind, but we feel it.  No spirit being is seen unless they want us to see them.  Satan is a real, but unseen, being who, like us, possesses free will.

Some of the most interesting tales regarding Satan are in The Lost Books of the Bible.  It is interesting to read some of the ancient stories of Adam and Eve and their encounters with Satan after being booted out of the Garden.  As many times as they confronted him, never once did they recognize him when they met. Each and every time they mistook him for a beautiful angel of light.  They only realized who he was when their life once again turned to mush. If they knew him and didn’t recognize him, it’s no wonder we, who don’t know him, and (often) don’t even believe in him, is free to run amok without challenge.

Any spirit being wields far more power and influence than we do.  That’s why they’re able to change flat into semi-gloss.  It’s why Jesus could change water into wine.  We can’t change water in to wine or flat in to semi-gloss merely by willing it.  But, even the least of spirit beings is able to do these things¾and Satan was not created as one of the least in the kingdom of heaven.  Jesus probably said it best when he was talking about John the Baptist and he made the statement:

11. Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not arisen a greater than John the Baptist: yet he that is but little in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. (Matt 11:11, ASV)

Satan was not “but little in the kingdom of heaven.”   Truth is, he was created quite high and carried several titles, “Day Star,” “Prince of this World,” “God of this World,” to name a few.  Jesus referred to him as the prince of this world and the New Testament mentions this several times.  He was the one who was put in charge of our earth, like a governor is the head of a state.  As with many people in authority over nations, it wasn’t enough.  Satan wanted more, to wit:


Isa 14:12-14

12. How you are fallen from heaven, O Day Star, son of Dawn! How you are cut down to the ground, you who laid the nations low! 13. You said in your heart, "I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit on the mount of assembly on the heights of Zaphon; {Or [assembly in the far north]}  14. I will ascend to the tops of the clouds, I will make myself like the Most High."


Although Satan doesn’t even begin to rival God in power and authority, his influence is amazing and is more than ample to blanket our little world.  His mental acumen and awareness is far more than enough to influence all who are amenable to it, meaning all who are the kindred’s of evil.

Most sophisticated human beings find it far easier not to believe in Satan than to believe that such a creature actually exists.  Even those who say, “Yeah, yeah, I know he exists,” don’t understand how he operates.  We regard Satan as powerless for the same reasons we don’t believe in Santa Claus.  We have categorized him along with myths and fairy tales, and turned him into a joke rather than a living personality.  Since we don’t believe in myths, fairy tales, and jokes, we don’t believe in Satan.  He who Jesus, Paul, Peter, Enoch, Moses, Esau, Job and many, many others took very seriously, has ceased to exist in our modern day materialistic perception of reality, much to Satan’s delight.  It’s easier to operate on the unsuspecting that way.

To conjure up an image of Satan is to see a red suited, long tailed, pitchfork wielding dude who is out to make us do wrong.  Both cartoons and movies have portrayed him as a “mischievous imp.” I recall a cartoonist who made his living depicting images of a “good” angel sitting on one shoulder, and a “bad” angel sitting on the other.  Walt Disney even used this image in some of his cartoons.  Why not?  They always make us smile.  Unfortunately, what amuses us, we don’t take seriously.  What we don’t take seriously, poses no threat.  So, we view Satan as not really an enemy of either ours or God’s.  When we do view him as an enemy, it is more like the rival antagonism between two golfers, and that’s too bad.  The hatred that Hitler had for Jews is mild in comparison to the hatred Satan holds for all that is represented by good, including God, Christ, angels and spiritual people. 

In the early days of our universe, Satan was viewed as one of the most illustrious of the Morning Stars (Also the title of Jesus) and was one of the brighter lights in the heavenly courts.  As often happens with those who are bright, but imperfect, ego got in his way.  Satan stumbled because of his own beauty, intelligence and gift of rhetoric. 

Even on earth there are people who attract a crowd wherever they go.  They tell stories and jokes well, are pleasant looking, and are fun¾or at least interesting¾to be around.  Hence, they are always invited to parties, given seats of honor at banquets, and are often encouraged to run for political office.  These people usually thrive on all their attention.  They become proud of themselves then strive to become even more witty and charming, becoming even more egotistical and self-centered in the process.  This is what happened to Satan, he simply fell in love with his own beauty, his own charm and his own gift of gab. 

As the angels and other beings clamored to be near him, his ego grew until he actually believed he was like God.  The onset of insanity had begun.  Through his inflated ego he began seeing himself equal to, or higher than, the holiest of holies.

The most important single piece of information about Satan that you need to remember is his title, “prince of this world.”  Though it is beyond the scope of this book to do so, on your own you should look up every reference to the prince of darkness and how he rules on earth.  He is called the “leader of nations,” “prince of darkness,” “deceiver,” “adversary” and the “father of lies.”

Putting these all in perspective, he is the cause of all that is wrong on earth.  Not because he created all that is evil, but because he rules in the minds and hearts of all who have.  He is the leader of way too many spiritual leaders and national politicians.  That is why all who seek power, even though they have good intentions in the beginning, have one of two things occur:  they either quit, or they become corrupt.  This is why:  the number one rule of spiritual understanding is spiritual equality.  All of us are equal.  All politicians have a desire for superiority¾it’s their greatest weakness.  A desire for superiority and equality are not on equal footing.  A desire to lead and rule is an assertion for dominance and the very beginning of corruption of the heart.  That’s why every government on the face of the earth is corrupt, even in the United States. Especially in 2018s political arena)

Again, the desire to rule begins with the notion that they know what is best for everyone else, which is the beginning of self-deceit, making them prime candidates for corruption. Why?  Because they are willing to sacrifice and comprise to get what they want.  They deceive themselves into believing that one little compromise won’t hurt; that the end justifies the means.  Without being led by the indwelling Holy Spirit, no one can be in a position of leadership without becoming corrupt, because wisdom and restraint will be lacking.

To be a leader is to be dynamic.  How dynamic they are is in direct relation to the position of power they will attain.  This can range from being the head of the local PTA to the head of a country.  Those who are dynamic can be felt by their mere presence.  There are many who can command an audience by merely walking into a room.  Charismatic charm of this nature isn’t limited only to politician.  Tele-evangelists, priests, gurus and anyone else who rises to any position of dominance must have it to some degree. Hitler had it. Clinton had it.  Obama had it 

It is easy to see how this happens when you realize that the universe is mind-responsive.  All who focus are using their mind.  The degree to which they are focused is the level to which their mind aspires.  When leadership is craved (focused on), they become dominant in their ability to control.  The more they desire, the more they control. 

Because the entire universe, which earth is a part of, is maintained by the mind of God, and because everything responds to thoughts, including people and Satan, once the desire for power emerges, the mind opens for the thoughts of the great deceiver, Satan.  All are helpless without the presence of the Holy Spirit, and spirit-led people don’t desire power.  They desire to serve.

It is this ‘aura’ about them that makes people feel awed when in the presence of those who wield power.  I’ve been there and I know what I talk about.  Even when I tried not to be impressed, when, in my heart I knew they were just another person, I was still awed.  I know that this is wielded power that comes from within the person.  It is a dominance that works because they really believe they are superior.  And what the mind believes, it creates, and the more focused the mind, the stronger the results.  What has been created by another, we respond to, either negatively or affirmatively.  Unless, that is, we know how not to¾and that only is learned by being aware of what’s happening.  Unfortunately, truth seekers are looking for that one person who they believe has the power; one who is favored by God.  That’s why, when they find someone who knows how to wield this authoritative power, they think they have found the right person.

Chances are, they haven’t.

It was this same ability to be able to wield power and awe people that caused the Jews to walk into the gas chambers.  They were cowed something they didn’t understand.  Make no mistake; Hitler wielded great power over those he hated.  And they were defeated by it.

From what I understand about Jesus is that he actually did wield that power, but didn’t use it.  Instead, he always appeared as a common man and his followers were almost always commoners.  Yet, he could not be intimidated by those who were in (earthly) authority.

There has always been a hunger for the truth among people.  For this reason, people look by searching, seeking and ferreting out every religion, priest and guru they can find.  Wherever there is a hunger or need, there’s someone to fill the void, rightly or wrongly.  For this reason there will always be those who make their living by claiming knowledge of the ‘truth.’  When they are discovered by those seeking, the scene is set for adopting a proselyte.  The proselyte is told that, “It’s no accident you are here.  You were guided by unseen spirits because you have a purpose to fulfill.”  (Talk about making you feel important.)  My personal favorite is the one that goes something like this:  “We were together in past lives to fill an important assignment.  We were prevented from doing that, so we have been brought together again to finish our mission.”

No lie is stronger and easier to believe than the one predicated on a half-truth,. “It’s no accident you are here.  You were guided by unseen spirits because you have a purpose to fulfill.” is true.  You must always pray to be protected for being led to the wrong, and to be protected by the evil ones. Life is about finding your purpose.

All who are seeking truth want to believe that there is an “Illumined Master” somewhere.  When they find the religion, priest or guru who seems to fill whatever void they’ve been looking to have filled, they believe they have been led to that person by the unseen hand of God or other unseen spirits.  Since there is always someone willing to show them the way, so called, ‘illumined masters,’ are easy to find.  “I have the truth,” they say.  “Follow me.”  And who knows?  Some may. 

There are ways of identifying the false from the true.  Do they want you to follow only them?  Do they try and sell you something that you can only get through them?  (Examples might be a course in meditation, or your own personal mantra. If they’re for real, everything is free.  As Jesus told His apostles, “Freely you have received, freely give.)

I believe that nearly all of them believe in themselves, as did Satan, because their belief has been created from within.  There is only one way to find belief from within¾go directly to God for guidance and always, always pray for protection from the evil ones and also for protection from your own self—don’t let your ego lead you astray.  This type of prayer is always acted on immediately. 

Whatever we think about enough is what we become.  Even to the point of creating illusions.  What we think about is what we have our hearts set on.  What we have our hearts set on, is our treasure.

That’s what happened to Satan.  Because of his own self-love, augmented by the admiration of others of lesser brilliance, and who were gullible, this high born son created his own false sense of reality.  He passed on his belief that we are all potential gods and that there is no One God; that we are all part of the over-soul of creation and that we are all Gods.  Or at least, part of God.  He taught there is no “spiritual law” that we not only can do what we want, but we should do whatever we want.  (Remember the hippie credo of the sixties—“If it feels good, do it.”) He taught that he was the teacher of truth, that the being, who would later become known as Jesus, was a liar.  He further taught that the Supreme Being (God) did not exist. 

For thousands upon thousands of years he was allowed to run rampant until his teachings had attracted all in the heavenly realms who would follow him.  When the heavenly ranks had been thinned, when evil had run its course and the free-will beings had made up their minds to accept or reject his teachings, he was finally cast out of heaven.  (Actually, he was “travel restricted,” rather than “cast out of heaven.” Earth is still considered a part of heaven, albeit, a troubled part.)

At that time a sigh of relief may have passed through the heavenly realms, but earth got the shaft.  Suddenly a burden was placed on our tiny little world that would forever change the course of our history.  The newly forming earth civilizations became the dwelling places of the unholy, the unwanted, and the unseen.  The fallen stars of heaven, thousands of them, were imprisoned (travel restricted) here.  Some of these beings we have come to know by their names: Satan, Lucifer, Beelzebub, etc.  But there are thousands upon thousands more. 

Satan, Lucifer, and Beelzebub (as well as others) are all different entities.  These names do not come from different countries and cultures representing the same individual.  They are actually separate individuals united in a common assault against all that is holy and good, including people. 

They remain here today, unseen and unheard, but their presence is felt in the turmoil that exists in individual lives and reflected through all that is ugly in our cultures.  Their presence is seen in the form of sickness, disease, famine, war, and anything else that is a result of being separated from God.

Because they are limited to our world, our world has become like a prison.  Prisons have visitors which come and go, but the prisoners remain.  This is why the Bible (along with other books) speaks of God and angels walking and talking with men and women in the dawning of time, but we rarely see or hear of that happening now.  Those were the days before the earthly quarantine and during our early epochal struggles for survival.  Only rarely does a spirit being make his presence known anymore, and even then only in unusual or special circumstances.

If what I’m saying is true, what does it mean to us, and what can we do about it? 

It means that our world is in a chaotic state and that only we can change it through our choices and decisions.  But take a look at what the decisions seem to be: Pornographic magazines, films and computer CD’s and DVD’s are some of the hottest selling items there are.

The drug problem is on the increase, no matter what officials try and do.

Violence is rampant in movies, television and real life.

Most TV programming lacks any social, moral or redeeming values.


This is one of those lists that can go on and on.  Note that I made no mention of wars, starvation, sexual abuse, or the rampant financial and political corruption, because they don’t affect most of us on a daily basis.  These other things do.  Satan may not be the one who makes the porno movies, gives us drugs, or creates the violence, but he is active in the mind of those who do. 

All our vices are normal and natural—if we were animals, that is.  One of the differences between humans and animals is our recognition of higher values.  Dogs, cats, horses and pigs are not held responsible for their acts because they don’t know any better.  We do.

In the ancient days, as Satan’s influence was becoming more and more evident in the way we think and act, the higher spiritual beings began withdrawing (or were withdrawn) from our world.  Good cannot abide evil, and more and more people were falling under the satanic influence, becoming—not necessarily evil—but turning a blind eye.  Falling away from prayer and belief in One Supreme Being—the Creator. 

The Bible talks about the early days of our world when God, Angels and other beings freely came and went.  Other mythologies also do.  Now, because of our descent into a material morass, the eyes and ears of our souls have become closed and we no longer see or converse directly with those higher beings of heaven—other than the Holy Spirit of those who are indwelt—which, again, can only happen through desire and prayer.

This does not mean we are alone.  By our decisions and the way we perform in life, we are siding with either good, and therefore God, or evil, and therefore Satan.  All who aspire to live good, moral, ethical and loving lives, have guardians assigned to them.  Our choosing dictates assignment of spiritual guardians that guide us, but who do not exert any influence over us.  The guardians do not influence us because we are freewill beings and are never coerced by either God or angel.  Ultimately, our daily decisions will eventuate either into eternal life, or eternal death.  We are destined, by our own choosing, to either become spirit beings, or to pass from existence.

There is no facet of life that is not touched by the evil ones of Satan.  Their presence is felt through the leaders of countries, the leaders of industry and even through the leaders of churches.  Through subtle influence of the mind, they actively participate in the overthrow of all that is good and holy.  Let me show you but one example:[1]

I became a Roman Catholic because the Catholic Church is one of three Christian Churches that can trace its roots back to the beginning of the Christian movement.  But, in the last two thousand years it is also responsible for the deaths of over a hundred million innocent people through the acts of the Inquisition and through influencing kings, queens and other government officials to participate in war.  Priests are called ‘Father,’ in direct defiance of Jesus own words in the Bible  (See Mt.  23:8-12)[2]. They have deified people and encourage Catholics to pray to (and through) saints for help, instead of going directly to God.  They have turned worship into a system of codes and laws.  Catholics are taught to venerate the Pope and to consider him as the Christ in human form.

Catholics, like all people are wonderful human beings.  But, Catholics, like all people, can also be horrible.  Religion plays no part in being good or bad, right or wrong.  All these things are the result of satanic influence on the Christian hierarchy.  All those high in authority are the targets of the evil ones because they wield the most influence.  The church didn’t start out evil, it started out holy.  Priests didn’t (and don’t) become priests because they are evil.  They become perverted through minor quirks in their personality (ego) that the evil ones can use to their advantage.

Make no mistake about it, Catholics are not evil.  No more than Methodists, Amish, or Buddhists.  One of the holiest persons I know of was Sister Theresa, and you can’t get much more Catholic than she was.  And, though I have picked on the Catholic Church, there is not a single religion—Christian or not—on the face of the earth that is untouched by the evil ones.  The Catholic Church is just the largest, one of the oldest and, therefore, the easiest to pick on.  Because Satan and the other evil ones detest God and good, what more natural place to attack than the churches of the world through their weakest links?

Satan does his most devastating work through our egos.  All who aspire to political office, have ambition to climb corporate ladders, or become high muck-a-mucks within the churches, become easy prey for even the subtlest of satanic thought influence.  You cannot be meek or humble and aspire to positions of leadership.  Any leadership.  To do so would be oxymoronic.  In the beatitudes, nowhere does it say “Blessed are the mighty,” or “Blessed are the ambitious.” Instead it says, “Blessed are the meek,” and, “Blessed are the gentle (the word translated for ‘gentle’ could also mean ‘lowly’), as well as, “Blessed are the pure in heart” (See Mt.  5:1-12).

Even aspirations to positions of leadership to do good, is a fallacy.  Good is only your, my, or their version of what good is.  Hitler thought he was doing good by exterminating Jews. Politicians aspiring to office so they can “straighten out the country,” are deluding themselves, as well as others. All they are doing is fulfilling their own egotistical and ambitious satisfactions.  Nobody but God knows what is truly right.  Only through living by the “Love of God” can we “straighten out our country.” All of us, not just politicians. 

I have written this chapter that it might become evident why corruption is rampant and why our country is in such a mess.  All of us who love God and desire to do His will, Christian or not, must not be apathetic.  We must take a stand.  And, the stand we take should not be an emotional one—such as the spotted owl and logger controversy¾but one arrived at through prayer and communion with God. 

Prayer and walking with God is the only way to over throw evil on our world.  Not by electing officials to do our thinking for us. 

[1] I pick on the Catholic Church only because I was one.  All churches have the same wonderful things in them.  They also have the same evil present in them in some form.  Catholics, like Protestants, are wonderful people.  Priests, like ministers, are wonderful people.

[2] 8. But you are not to be called rabbi, for you have one teacher, and you are all students. 9. And call no one your father on earth, for you have one Father--the one in heaven. 10. Nor are you to be called instructors, for you have one instructor, the Messiah. 11. The greatest among you will be your servant.