Part 3 (Click here for part 3 Addendum)


 The Technique


    One of the axioms I’ve picked up over the years is this:  if it works, it’s real.  If it doesn’t, it’s a dream, wishful thinking, or a lie. 

    I try not to lie.  I have used the following procedure successfully.  Because I have used it, I know it works.  If it works for me, it can work for you.  I am not a gifted guru or a talented psychic.  I’m a real person just like you.  What I can do, you can too.

    The deal is, though, you can’t do it half-heartedly.  Make up your mind to succeed, for it is your mental attitude that makes the difference in success or failure. . . with that in mind, let’s proceed.

    There is a traditional pose for meditation called the Lotus position. This is a position where you sit with your right foot on your left knee, and your left foot on your right knee.  If you’re not used to it, or if you’re muscular, overweight or stocky, you’ll find this isn’t a very comfortable position.  For me, it’s impossible.  So, if you had this in mind, forget it—unless you truly feel comfortable with it.

    Get relaxed in your favorite chair, lie on the floor, find a nice sofa, a firm bed, or hang from the ceiling by your toes.  It doesn’t matter as long as you’re comfortable and at ease. (Purists will argue with me on that point.)  It is better to wear loose clothing and have your shoes off, but even this is not necessary.  Put your worries out of your mind.  Don’t be concerned about your kids, your work, your wife, your husband, your illness, or even this meditation.  Just kick back and relax. 

    If you can, get away from noise and distractions.  If that isn’t possible, you’ll have to ignore them.  The important thing is not to take anything, including this technique, too seriously.

    There is one “no-no:” don’t cross your arms and legs.  Our inner, spiritual self is connected with the universal flow of energy.  Through meditation we connect with this flow of energy.  Healing comes through harmonizing the physical self with the spiritual self, thereby aligning us with the universal currents of energy.  When we cross our arms, legs, or both, we are not harmonizing, we are blocking.  (This is as true in casual conversation as it is in meditation.)  I personally prefer facing north, but this is simply my preference.

    All the meditation methods that I’m aware of begin by breathing exercises, this one’s no exception.  Begin by inhaling deeply through your nose while counting to four at the rate of approximately one count per second.  (One and two and three, etc.)  The goal is to completely fill your lungs with energy giving oxygen.

    Now exhale slowly and completely through your mouth while counting to ten at the same pace that you inhaled.  Repeat this at least four times, but more is OK.  This is to get you “settled in.” (If you don’t exercise much, you may feel light headed because of receiving more oxygen to your brain than you’re used to.  If this is the case, stop doing the deep breathing exercises after the fourth time.)   Remember to stay relaxed while breathing in and out.  (This may seem hard because there is a natural tendency to tighten the stomach muscles when holding the breathe.)[2]

    As you inhale, visualize the universal life forces entering your body as the oxygen flows through your nose and enters your lungs.  Follow this flow of energy with your mind as it passes into your lungs, enters your blood stream and supplies you with the revitalizing energy necessary for healing.  Be thankful to the one who planned and engineered this marvel that supports life.

    Focus your attention on your feet.  Allow them to relax.  Feel them relax.  Feel the tension withdrawing from them as they relax.  As you focus on your feet, visualize a white, glowing energy field surrounding them.  Feel the revitalizing power from this energy as it penetrates your feet.  Your feet, so abused (and walked on) begin to feel good and alive.

    Continue to visualize this light-energy as it slowly grows larger, covering your ankles and shins as well as your feet.  Feel the wonderful energy radiating from the light.  It is both invigorating and relaxing.  As your ankles relax you can feel your muscles ease their tension.  You feel the wonderful energy radiating from the light-energy, so relaxing and yet energizing. 

    Allow the light to continue to increase as you slowly direct it up your body to your calves, your knees and your thighs.  Focus on each portion of your body as the light slowly moves up your body.  Feel your muscles relax and feel the penetrating, life giving power that emanates from the light as you continue to guide it slowly upward, until it covers each part of your body.  As you become aware of an ache or pain, mentally direct this healing energy to that area.  Recognize the pain for what it is and realize you do not need it as a part of your life.  Feel the pain dissipate.

    Continue relaxing and energizing each part of your body, including your hips, stomach, chest, shoulders, back, arms, hands, neck and head.  You feel fully alive, protected and totally enclosed in a veil of white, energizing light.  You feel good and you feel at peace.

    Still wrapped in white light, now visualize yourself on the top of a tall mountain.  You are alone but not lonely.  You feel very warm, comfortable, secure and at peace.  This is your mountain and you feel at peace with the universe. 

    On this mountain you recognize that all is love.  Surround yourself with love.  Feel it coming to you from all around.   Receive this love freely and feel at peace.  Realize, visualize and accept yourself as a beloved child of God.  Continue to breathe rhythmically and slowly.  Let all tension drain from you.  Relax.  

    Slowly begin to count to three.  With each number you feel yourself relaxing even deeper.  At the count of three you are as relaxed as you need to be.  See yourself as your really are: a material being with spiritual emanations.  Your spiritual emanation is seen as an aura of light completely surrounding you.  Spend a couple of minutes recognizing that you a loved child of the universe, a beloved child of God. 

    With this recognition comes the realization that God does not want you to have pain or be sick.  That sickness and pain are the results of not living in harmony with the universal currents of love.  As you begin to realize and accept this, you are on the path to wellness and healing. Within you is the ability to correct whatever is wrong with your life. 

    Focus on the area that causes you distress or gives you pain.  As you understand that it is not supposed to be that way, visualize yourself well.  See the ailment as it appears from inside your body.  Will it away and visualize it getting smaller.  Visualize it leaving you as you force it from the place it has chosen to rest.   Watch as your bodies natural resources attack the unwanted intruder, eating away at it and forcing it to leave.  See it dissolve under the onslaught of your body’s resources.

    See the energy that is a part of your being as it returns to normal over the affected area.  Will this energy into the ailing area, forcing out the dark and afflicted light.  Return your aura to its natural flow and color.


    Focus on this area for ten, twenty or thirty minutes, or until you feel tired.  Then it is time to leave.

    Give thanks to the loving God who has created you with the ability to take care of yourself.  Thank him for all the abilities you possess, and for His love.

    You find yourself on top of your mountain feeling better and more alive than you have felt for years.  Fill yourself with energy, peace and love.  When you return to the conscious state, you will take with you the understanding that what you radiate is what you will receive.   When you radiate love, you receive love and life will never be quite the same again.

    Return to the conscious level by counting slowly to five.  Between each number inhale slowly and deeply through the nose and then exhale slowly through the mouth.  As you do this, tell yourself that, “at the count of five I will return to the waking state as my body continues to make itself healed and well.”   (Or your own words to that effect.)

    With each successive number you feel yourself becoming more alert to your physical surroundings.  As you awaken you understand that the healing you started will continue on while you are awake.  You feel good and you know that you have discovered a new phase of life.  You know that all the goodness and energy you have discovered will stay with you.  And, anytime you need to revitalize and re-energize yourself, you simply need to go back to you mountain.

    One. . .two. . .three. . .four. . .five. . .


    To maximize the effectiveness that you have begun, you should do this at least once every day.  Two times is even better, usually morning and evening prior to bed. 

    Meditating longer than thirty minutes can be tiring.  Especially if you’re not used to it.  Focusing on anything for thirty minutes is tiring. 

    Just prior to counting to five, instill the thought that the healing process will continue after you have finished with the meditation. That way your body continues with the healing even though your mind is busy with something else.

    Depending on many factors, everyone is different, if you “feel” you should do something, do it.  Follow all the “thought-suggestions” that your body may give you.  If, for example, you have swollen knuckles caused by arthritis, your body may suggest gentle exercise or stretching¾even though it may be painful.  (The pain is not beneficial.  It’s the exercise that is needed.)

    Remember that material beings (you and I) are composed of two parts: body and spirit.  Throughout life they are insolubly linked.  In our normal conscious state we are unaware (normally) of our separate essences.  Through meditating you can become aware of this linkage and can direct them to work together in harmony. That’s the reason meditation is so important.

    The spirit part of your mind is always in contact with the “cosmic mind” of God and, therefore, has the potential to know all things. When they begin to work together harmoniously, they know what to do to make you well.   This means that the mental suggestions you receive may include anything from diet, to exercise, to finding new employment.  Listen to what you are told. (Click here for part 3 Addendum)

* Most sickness is a result of a lack of harmony, which means that restoring harmony is essential to healing.

    This is just one method of relaxing.  There are many other forms of meditation, but this is one of the most rudimentary.  (It is not the purpose of this book to teach meditation, only to give basic guidelines as part of healing.)