The KSC...What Is It?


If you’ve ever passed someone in a crowded mall—or elsewhere—and as your eyes met, just for an instant there seemed to be a ‘recognition’ or ‘connection,’ then you’ve experienced “The Kindred Spirit Connection,” (KSC).  You may have nodded, smiled at one another, and then passed on, but for that second of time each of you recognized something of yourself reflected back.  You have just met a Kindred Spirit.

As used here, this is a spiritual connection with someone on the same spiritual level as you, and not to be confused with attraction, which is something entirely different, but easily confused.

Spiritual Kindred Spirits intuitively understand that there is more to life than we can possibly understand, and that there is a connection between us, our world, the universe and the creative force behind all that is.

Being a Kindred Spirit has numerous advantages.  Mysterious doors open that offer new avenues of life.  Kindred Spirits seem to have an inate ability to do good, both for themselves and for others.


Kindred Spirits, like people and enjoy helping those in need. Since Kindred Spirit-ism goes far beyond our own world, as we become more and more “spirit-ized” and become more receptive to help from other beings—often from far beyond our own material world.  This is part of the “Kindred Spirit Connection” and is the reason that good things (often called “luck”) mysteriously happens to kindred spirits in need.  For these people the vastness, goodness and the richness of the cosmos has become available through the universality of thought.  Though the thoughts may be unconscious, more often they are the results of prayer.


Being “in need” does not necessarily mean suffering a lack.  It is anything important enough to improve the quality of your life, like finding a hammer just when we wanted to drive a nail.  For example . . . A good friend of mine started a small, but thriving, maintenance service.  His business did everything to a house that would make it sellable or rentable, including painting, cleaning, roofing, electrical, plumbing and any other type of repairs that might be needed.  However, his main focus was his painting business.  The other aspects had evolved because of a demand.  He soon found himself running all over the place just to change a light switch or replace a faucet washer.  These small jobs took him off his larger painting projects, yet were needed as part of the service he offered.  Since he was just starting out, he couldn’t afford to hire someone full time to take care of what he called, “Mickey Mouse odds and ends.”

His habit was to start every day with meditation and prayer.  He said, “I casually mentioned my situation while praying. I wasn’t asking for help, I was just complaining to a “friend.”  That evening I received a call from a man looking for a part time job who just happened to do electrical and plumbing. He said he was in his thirties and going back to college and was looking for a part time job.  He said, “I don’t want a full time job, but if you have any small maintenance or repair work that you don’t want to fool with, I would.  I’m a little short and could use the extra money.”


That’s the Kindred Spirit Connection in action.  By helping each other, both receive exactly what they need.  I think of these as “minor miracles,” a type of miracle that occurs continuously to Kindred spirits.  Any Kindred Spirit with a need seems to cause the universe to spring into action on their behalf, connecting them with the person, place or thing they need. Whenever I see the Kindred Spirit Connection (KSC) in action, I’m thrilled.  The KSC, which is a cosmic principle, causes the universe to serve the needs of any connected individual, anywhere, any time.  We have but to ask.

Being a Kindred Spirit does not mean that the normal problems of life will fade away.  But, it does mean that we aren’t alone when problems occur. Why? Because the universe, and all that is, has a Great Grand Parent who loves us in the same manner we love our own children. That is why Kindred Spirits think and respond to life cosmically. Intuitively, we sense we are part of a great, loving family.  Being cosmic in thought is like saying “As a child of the universe, I am in the family of God. When you look at it that way, it’s easy to see that you are a child of the Universe.


Kindred Spirit still think and act like average people. We still do stupid things; we still have faults and failings. The only way in which we might be different is in our caring natures. If we come on an accident, we don’t sit around and watch; we don’t take pictures to post on Face Book, we do what we can to help. We don’t always succeed, but we try.

Once we begin this journey, good things just seem to happen. Oh, we still have problems, but we’re not alone when they happen—and we know it. Additionally, we find ourselves in a position of helping when help is needed, as well as getting helped when we need it.

That’s how it works—and that’s what it means to be a part of the Kindred Spirit Connection.




The creative force is often referred to as “God,” but I personally feel this is confusing and not appropriate because that image brings to mind a Zeus like entity that is continually spying on us and either punishing or rewarding. The creative force is not like that. 

You do not have to be affiliated with a church or religion to be spiritual, but many people are.  The one thing that all Kindred Spirits have in common is this: they are good people who are interested in others, in the world, and in making the world a better place.